October 15, 2024

Dedicated to Securing Justice and Freedom for Wrongfully-Accused Timothy McEnany

The Pennsylvania Justice Project was started by a retired Franciscan and Buddhist contemplative priest, whose 32 years of social justice work, including work with Amnesty International, with Cesar Chavez, Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Mychal Judge compels him to work tirelessly to exonerate a Pennsylvania man, Timothy McEnany, who was wrongfully-convicted of a crime he did not commit.

It is his hope that by presenting the facts, and raising the awareness of the political machinations and other highly inordinate circumstances surrounding the case, not only will McEnany one day be freed, but that the public outcry will result in powerful reforms in the criminal justice system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

It is our hope to partner with other innocence projects, social justice advocates and grassroots efforts to secure the exoneration, release from imprisonment and restoration to society of persons who have been wrongly convicted; to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the criminal justice system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and to expose those whose actions, inaction and abuse resulted in a grave miscarriage of justice in the Timothy McEnany case and others.

Tim’s story, and the relevant facts that we believe demonstrate his innocence, and which possibly expose efforts to cover-up the likely perpetrator of the crime for which he was convicted, can be found in narrative form, by clicking on the menu at the top of the page.